A step by step by step guide to fixing a hacked wordpress site

I had to do a bit of server-side troubleshooting on Wordpress site recently, that had been hacked. It's not a popular site, and hardly gets any traffic, and was simple enough to fix, but it's worth noting the actions I had to take.

I'm trying to find a mental model that fits this process, to make it easier to remember what to do in future, so I figured I'd share my approach here:

1) Stop the bleeding

In this case, the hack had been down to a malicious script being able to sign into the site, using the admin credentials, and a dictionary-attacking the password until the weak password was broken. A simple fix for this is to change the password to something stronger, and be change the name of the admin account, so it's no longer such a target for scripts.

Changing the password for an user account is pretty mundane, but changing the name of a user account is slightly more exotic.

Here's a handy mysql snippet for this, once you're logged in at the mysql shell:

    update wp_users set user_nicename='new.harder.to.hack.name' where user_nicename='admin';
    update wp_users set user_login='new.harder.to.hack.name' where user_login='admin';

2) Clean the infection

Now you have this, it's worth looking for the culprit. In many cases, you'll see an unfamiliar php file in the uploads directory. It'll often have a url like this: img_112.php, and you might be able to see it in server logs as a request like this:


Unless you have very good reasons to have executable php files in your upload diretories, it's best to remove any.

3) Keep it clean

Now that you've stopped further attacks, and removed any malicious scripts from within your site, it's a good time to lock down permissions on any files on your site. If you're running Wordpress under a virtual private server, the snippet below should work fine, if you run them from within the wordpress directory:

  find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

If you're like me and can never remember the syntax for the find command, here's a sort of translation of what it means:

starting within the directory "/path/to/your/wordpress/install/", start a find, looking only for results of the type file (shown by -type f). Then, for each result, execute the command (using the -exec flag) chmod 644 on them, to restrict how the files can be modified on the server.

Now that we've done files, we'll need to to the directories too:

  find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

This is almost the same as the previous command except that a) we're only looking for directories (specified by the -type d flag), and we're allowing slightly more relaxed permissions, because we're dealing with directories instead files (chmod 755 versus chmod 644).

Once we've cleaned up permissions on our site, now we can turn to some plugins to help automate some of the drudgework of keeping a site sufficiently secure. I've found WordPress File Monitor Plus useful for detecting malicious changes to your site in future, and if you can see past the rather bombastic name, [Ultimate Security Checker][2], gives a number of simple steps you can follow to further harden up your site.

Is this even vaguely coherent?

So there we have it - (hopefully) a simple enough explanation of how you might fix a site after it's been compromised by some opportunist or semi automated hacking scripts, and a useful way to to think about site in future.

Where to learn more

If you're interested in looking into this in more detail, right now this presentation below seems to the best one I can find about the subject. And as ever, [the Codex][3] is wealth of useful information


[2]: (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-security-checker/ "WordPress - Ultimate Security Checker WordPress - Plugins") [3]: http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress

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