A mail I sent to other climate curious tech folks at an event in Factory Berlin
Hi folks,
Thanks for signing up for this one off email, and listening to me ramble somewhat incoherently earlier at the Change The Story, Change The World: Data-Driven Social Impact event at Factory Berlin.
I said I’d share a few links afterwards for those interested in the intersection between tech and climate, and a few places to look to satisfy your curiosity.
I'll be deleting the form and data in it at the end of this month, but you're very welcome to get in touch, by replying to this email or DMing me on twitter - I'm @mrchrisadams.ClimateAction.Techhttp://climateaction.tech/This is the group I joined earlier this year. They’ve been going for about two years, and are comprised mainly of employees in tech companies, trying to bring about action inside companies to adopt more climate friendly policies. These two posts give some useful background:https://medium.com/@climateActTech/a-guide-for-employees-how-to-make-your-tech-company-sustainable-b0c93522620chttps://medium.com/@climateActTech/how-we-formed-a-climate-action-group-for-the-tech-industry-ed4dab97104a Among other things, they run an accelerator where employees in companies can find other like minded people in other places, and receive mentorship from specialists or people in leadership roles in other companies (i.e previous mentors have included the director of sustainability at Facebook and Salesforce, for example.)
You can see an example of some work that Mapbox (a mapping company who are used in loads of other products) , and Wikimedia Foundation (the folks behind Wikipedia)
So far, most of their efforts have been working directly with tech companies in the US, but they’re starting to do more public engagement stuff now, to find more people interested in doing something about climate change. We're looking for people to get involved in both public comms, and maaaybe even replicating the accelerator elsewhere. Please get in touch if this sounds interesting to you.
A whole remote conference about sustainability and climate change
You don't need to travel, and there's at least two years-worth of content.Bits and Bäume
A conference in Berlin, specifically about tech and climate change: http://bits-und-baeume.org/Design for Sustainability Probably the most complete book out there right now for relating tech to sustainability, from Tim Frick: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920043904.doSome talks I’ve done about climate and tech, and what steps we have available to us Two recorded talks: https://blog.chrisadams.me.uk/2018/03/08/explaining-a-planet-friendly-web-in-10-minutes/
Some work I’ve been doing to work out how much of the web runs on renewable power (it links to the jupyter note book I use to show my workings) https://blog.chrisadams.me.uk/2018/05/15/how-much-of-the-web-runs-on-renewables-today/
A little more about the the deep, underlying reasons as someone in tech you might care about climate change https://blog.chrisadams.me.uk/2018/08/16/computing-climate-change-and-all-your-relationships/
If you want more… Niklas Jordan, a climate-focused UX designer recently started a newsletter for more stuff along these lines: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/niklasjordan
Wow, if you got this far, have a gold star!Thanks,Chris